In a blog post on her app, Kim Kardashian West explained why she doesn’t want to be called a “feminist.”
“I’m all about empowering and uplifting women,” Kardashian West wrote. “But why do we have to put labels on things?”
If intellectual trends are any indication, modern feminism has largely become a contest of who-can-rack-up-the-most-victim-points instead of a movement aimed at attaining equality for women. Our culture’s obsession with labeling everything is counterproductive, Kardashian said.
You’re Republican, you’re Democrat, you’re bisexual, you’re plus-size, you’re poor, you’re a criminal, you’re a mother, you’re a feminist. I’m a human being, and I have thoughts, feelings and opinions about a lot of different things. I don’t need to be defined by those beliefs, just as much as I don’t want to be set apart from—or viewed as being against—those who DO define themselves by those beliefs.
I feel that being grouped or labeled can create separation between people who do (or don’t) fall into certain categories, when they may actually share many of the same beliefs and goals. It’s not about he, she, gay, straight, black, white. The fight for equality is about ALL human beings being treated equally—regardless of gender, sexuality or ethnicity.
It’s simply a personal choice that I don’t like the idea of being labeled. I’ll always fight for women’s rights. Always. I support women to the fullest. But, at the end of the day, no one should feel pressured to be labeled as anything just because they believe in certain things and support certain values or ideals.
Kim has a point: when everyone demands a special label for his or her pet grievance, then labels have turned into attention-whoring.