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11 Pictures That Show Why ‘The Rock’ Is A True American Hero

the rock
Image CreditDenofgeek

It’s time to Make America Rock Again.


America is looking for its next leader, and the best candidate has been hiding in plain sight the whole time. One look at actor and professional wrestler Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Instagram feed, and you’ll quickly see how much he loves his family, his fans, and his country.

Whether he’s on set, traveling, or hitting the gym, The Rock is giving it is his all. He embodies the American values of hard work and freedom, and here are some of his posts that show exactly that. While you may not be able to smell what The Rock is cooking at this particular moment, I can assure you that it smells like freedom and American greatness.

1. He Loves Our Kids

Johnson understands America’s future, which is why he’s always taking time to encourage and inspire our children to achieve.

2. He Loves to Share a Cold One

An American beer to be specific. On set with co-star British Nathalie Emmanuel, The Rock shows her how real Americans end a day of hard work with a little fun.

3. He Loves Being A Dad

Especially when it comes to the dirty work. There’s a reason The Rock has played the role of dad in so many of his movies, and it’s because he’s not just acting.

4. He Loves His Guns

The Iceman cometh. And I don't fucketh around. #OnSet #FastAndFurious #F8 #Hobbs #Iceman

A photo posted by therock (@therock) on

5. He Checks on the Family Farm

Originally from Charlottesville, Virginia, Johnson knows what it means to be out in Real America. He stops by to check on his horses, one who’s nickname is “The Beef.” You can’t make this stuff up.

6. A Veteran Gave Him a Machete

This pretty much says it all.

7. He Never Hits Snooze

A 4:15 a.m. wake-up call is not just normal for The Rock, it’s vital. So much so that this year he released his own alarm clock app so that you too, can rise and grind.

“We all have hopes, goals, dreams and aspirations, and I’ve officially made it my project to help as many of you get after your goals as possible. Let’s get after it and chase greatness… together,” said Johnson on his website.

8. He Loves Pancakes

9. No, Seriously, He Really Loves Pancakes

10. He Loves Those Who Need it Most

This is just one example, but post after post on his feed is often with special needs kids or children cancer patients. Whether he stops by the hospital or invites them on set, Johnson is always taking time to serve.

A very special day. Today, I had the pleasure of meeting and spending time with Ms. Ashley Rodriguez from Make-A-Wish. I walked in, walked right over to her and… she started crying, then her mama started crying (in the background), then dammit I almost cried, but everyone was watching so I held it together 'cause I'm tough as nails😂. We hung out, ate some lunch together and chatted about all the cool things we have in common – our love for pizza, our fear of spiders (don't tell anyone Rock's afraid of spiders;) and our love for our dogs. As a matter of fact Ashely loves animals so much that she wants to be a veterinarian one day which is awesome – she'd make an amazing vet! Took lots of selfies, laughed a ton, gave her a few gifts and then we wrapped up our visit. Ashley, you made my heart full today and I'm such a lucky guy to have been able to spend time with you. You stay strong, stay awesome, keep smilin', enjoy the gift and always keep lovin' pepperoni pizza. And I'll do the same! Lastly, I want to thank everyone who made Ashley's and her family's trip possible. So many people who I don't even know, but please know that I'm grateful from afar. Always say this, because it's true.. this is by far the best part of my fame. #Onset #Baywatch #MakeAWish #AshleyRodriguez #AndOneVeryLuckyBigBrownBaldDude

A photo posted by therock (@therock) on

11. He Hasn’t Ruled Out the Role of POTUS

Dwayne, we need you. America needs you. Please consider taking on Commander in Chief as your greatest role of all time.