How lucky we are to live in a technologically advanced age. There are so many ways to communicate—especially with your spouse. As a military wife, I am thankful for online messaging, video chat, and mobile texting. It enables communication at most any time of day, no matter the distance between my husband and me.
You had better believe that I take full advantage of this, whether he is at work 25 minutes away or on the other side of the world. Of course, due to Anthony Weiner and other adulterers, sexting has inherited a bad rap. If one weighs the pros and the cons, however, it is not hard to see that overall these communication methods are a win for married couples.
There are many reasons you should send your husband pictures of yourself scantily dressed, or racy text messages reminding him of the night before. After all, sex is important in a marriage. It is the physical representation of the way you feel about one another, and it’s fun. Sexting can enhance the experience of making the beast with two backs, and can help your marriage be even stronger than before.
1. Foreplay
Are you planning a romp in the sheets later that night? Sexting him during work, or perhaps on his way home, will prime him for the event. Lucky for you, there is a good chance he will reciprocate with hot texts and pictures. Both you and your husband will be ripe with anticipation.
Sure, he has seen you naked a thousand times. But your man won’t turn down seeing you nude if he has the opportunity. A man is a visual creature, and a woman has the visual assets to intensify the attention she receives from her spouse, if she so chooses. Prepare him for your future sexual encounter so he will bring his A-game.
2. Test the Waters
Even after years of marriage, perhaps there is some sexual experience you have never tried, but it still intrigues you. Yet you might feel too embarrassed to bring it up to him. Sexting is the perfect platform to offer suggestions with much less awkwardness. Texting him your wild idea is much less embarrassing than bringing it up while you are watching evening sitcoms.
Additionally, most women have parts of their body they aren’t fully comfortable showing off. Sexting allows you to take photos of yourself at the right angles, with the right lighting, for your spouse to enjoy. The pictures may even build your confidence, while simultaneously allowing your spouse to see you in a light he hasn’t before. This opens doors to a deeper sexual connection, and reinforces the excitement of new experiences.
3. Building a Collection
Every photo and text you send to your spouse can be saved for future use. Yes, this refers to the all-important Spank Bank. When you or your spouse “get that feeling,” either one of you can look back and see all the naughty things you have sent one another in the past. Sexual nostalgia is the most tantalizing type of nostalgia. With just a few scrolls, either of you can relive a moment in the sheets, or that feeling you got when he complimented the way your booty looked in those black lace panties you donned in that picture you sent him a month ago. Sure, the panties could double as an eye patch. But he enjoyed them, and you have just been reminded that you have them in your coitus arsenal.
4. To Connect During Separation
When you and your spouse are separated geographically, you should be exploring every avenue to reduce your separation anxiety. Although you will still miss out on physical touch, sexting can not only take you back to the times you were together, but can help you feel less lonely.
There is a bonus to sexting when he is away: You’ll still be on his mind, because you are still making the effort to connect on a sexual level. Your goal is keeping him focused on your skills and assets, proving to him that you still think about taking his skin bus to Tuna Town too, regardless of how great the distance is between you two. He won’t forget that.
5. Reminding How Your Relationship Began
In the beginning of your relationship there was a lot of physical attraction, and you both knew it. Both of you felt wanted, and perhaps sexier at that point. You were younger, and you still had those butterflies in your stomach. Every experience with your significant other was new and thrilling.
Sexting can help you and your husband renew those feelings over and over again. When he knows you are still interested in receiving a hot beef injection from him now just as much as you did back then, there is a good chance he will deliver it, and some reassurance that he feels the same way.
6. Your Husband Will Probably Be More Attentive
If you make the effort to reach out and connect with him in another way (especially in a sexual manner), the result will probably be a more attentive husband. While his confidence rises, the effort you put forth will encourage him to do more.
This does not just include sexual festivities—it is possible he will reciprocate in other ways. Your husband might be more enthusiastic about helping you around the house, with your children, or taking you out on the town. If he knows he is wanted in all ways, odds are your spouse will want to make you feel the same. He will want to please you.
Take my advice. Send him a sext. I’m wrapping up this piece to send my own husband one momentarily.