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Obama Spokesman Won’t Say If White House Lied About Iran Deal

iran deal
Image CreditCSPAN

Barack Obama’s top spokesman refused to say whether the administration lied to the public about the details of the Iran nuclear deal.


During the White House press briefing on Monday, Barack Obama’s top spokesman refused to say wether or not the administration lied to the public about the details of the Iran nuclear deal.

Fox News’s Kevin Corke asked Earnest a direct question: Can you say for certain that the Obama administration never lied to the public about the Iran deal?

Earnest’s response was a resounding “no.”

Corke: Can you state categorically that no senior official in this administration has ever lied publicly about any aspect of the Iran nuclear deal?

Earnest: No, Kevin.


Easnest: Kevin, I think the facts of this agreement and the benefits of this agreement make clear that the national security of the United States of America has been enhanced. And Iran’s effort to acquire a nuclear weapon has been set back. . .The fact of the matter is, when you take a look at the concrete fact of this agreement, we have succeeded in making the United States safer.

Corke: I just want to make sure, I want to give you another run at it, because I’m not sure if you misquoted — I said: ‘Can you state categorically that no senior official in this administration ever lied publicly about any aspect of the deal?’

Earnest: There’s no evidence that that ever occurred. And what I would encourage you and other critics of the deal to do is to look at the facts, and to look at the results. We can verify them now, and the facts are clear.

In a New York Times Magazine profile published over the weekend, Ben Rhodes, one of Obama’s top foreign policy advisers, revealed that the administration manipulated the news media to publish favorable (and at times highly inaccurate) coverage of the Iran nuclear deal.

Rhodes’s statements about the White House press corps — as young, ignorant, and easy to take advantage of — and the notion that the Obama administration used them to lie to the public, were front and center throughout the bulk of Monday’s White House press briefing.

Earnest’s response to Corke’s question seems to affirm Rhodes’s story that the Obama administration indeed deliberately manipulated and lied to the public, or at the very least he doesn’t try to contradict it.

You can watch the whole thing here:

Earnest balks when questioned about Iran Deal lies