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Ted Cruz Being Named ‘Lucifer In The Flesh’ Will Help Him More Than Fiorina

David Harsanyi talks Donald Trump’s policy, Carly Fiorina as a VP pick, and the best shows on Netflix.


Senior Editor David Harsanyi joined Ben Domenech in the studio to discuss Carly Fiorina’s addition to the Ted Cruz ticket, Donald Trump’s attempt at a foreign policy speech, and some of the best and worst TV shows currently offered on streaming services.

Harsanyi said he doesn’t think naming Fiorina as Cruz’s running mate will have any significant benefit in Indiana or California. “I think she competent and would do a good job, but there’s not one poll number in any polling that I’ve seen that tells me she’s going to change anything,” he said. “I think Boehner calling [Cruz] ‘Lucifer in the flesh’ probably helps him more.”

Ted Cruz is often toted as the most hated man in Washington by elites, and as the Zodiac Killer by teenagers. Harsanyi and Domenech discussed how Cruz’s likability has both helped and hurt him. “I’m not sure I’ve seen a politician as prominent as him, since Richard Nixon, that had that level of personal awkwardness in all of his relations with humanity,” Domenech said.

Later in the hour, Harsanyi shared some of his takes on the newest season of Silicon Valley, Daredevil and The Walking Dead. “What’s great about Silicon Valley, not just that it’s incredibly funny and it mocks Silicon Valley and people in that industry, but you also learn a little bit about building a company,” he said.

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