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Obama Admin Threatens States That Blocked Taxpayer Funding For Organ Traffickers

planned parenthood
Image CreditBy: Fibonacci Blue

Obama’s Health and Human Services department has sent a letter to all 50 states warning them against cutting Planned Parenthood from Medicaid funds.


President Obama’s Department of Health and Human Services has sent a letter to all 50 states warning them against cutting the nation’s largest abortion provider off from taxpayer funds.

After a series of undercover videos exposed Planned Parenthood employees selling organs harvested from aborted children, 10 states passed laws to block the organization from receiving Medicaid funds. Several other states have tried to defund the abortion provider within their borders, but courts have stopped their efforts.

Now the Obama administration is trying to bully states into funding organ traffickers by sending them letters reminding them of their obligation to cover contraceptives and other services with Medicaid funds, The Washington Post reports.

“CMS (Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services) is sending a letter to all states to ensure they have a clear understanding of their obligation to follow longstanding Medicaid law guaranteeing that beneficiaries have the right to receive covered services, including family planning services, from any qualified and willing provider of their choice,” said Marissa Padilla, HHS spokeswoman, according to the Post.

While CMS has communicated with states individually, it has never sent a blanket warning to all 50 states.

This isn’t the first time the Obama administration has gone after those seeking to end Planned Parenthood’s organ trafficking scheme. Last July, the U.S. Department of Justice said that instead of looking into whether the nation’s largest abortion provider illegally trafficked human body parts, they would investigate the group behind the undercover sting videos that exposed Planned Parenthood.