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Petition Defending Pro-Life Activists Behind Planned Parenthood Videos Goes Viral

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Image Credit LifeSiteNews

A petition in support of two pro-life activists indicted for filming undercover sting videos that exposed Planned Parenthood’s baby organ trafficking scheme has gone viral.


A petition in support of two pro-life activists criminally indicted Monday for filming undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood’s organ trafficking scheme has gone viral.

For months, a grand jury reviewed the sting videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress, in which Planned Parenthood employees extracted organs from intact bodies of aborted babies and haggled over their price.

On Monday, the grand jury in Harris County, Texas, decided there wasn’t enough evidence of criminal wrongdoing to proceed with a trial against the nation’s largest abortion provider, but they did indict two pro-life activists, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, who were behind the undercover sting videos, according to a press release from the district attorney’s office.

Daleiden has been charged with the purchase and sale of human organs, a misdemeanor, and with tampering with a governmental record, which is a felony offense. Merritt has been charged with tampering with a governmental record.

The press release details:

For more than two months, the 232nd Grand Jury extensively reviewed the joint investigation into allegations of misconduct by PPGC. This grand jury cleared PPGC of breaking the law. However, the grand jury did hand down indictments for two individuals who were involved in making the allegations against PPGC public via covert recordings made in April 2015.

In response, LifeSiteNews has circulated an online petition to drop the charges against Daleiden:

It’s time for the whole pro-life movement to stand with David Daleiden against the bullying tactics of the abortion cartel and pro-abortion politicians. Tell the Harris County Grand Jury to immediately drop ALL charges against Daleiden and his pro-life associates!

The petition has garnered over 28,000 signatures in 15 hours. Two hashtags, #IStandWithDavid and #DavidvsGoliath, have emerged in support of Daleiden.