Another awful news cycle for President Barack “ISIS is contained” Obama, another huge bailout from billionaire provocateur Donald Trump.
After a devastating terrorist attack in San Bernardino last week, Obama was finally feeling the heat from the media over his failed national security policies and his futile attempt to deflect attention by talking about gun control. So, naturally, Donald Trump felt compelled to do his boy Barry a solid by changing the conversation.
In an announcement today, Trump called for legislators to implement a “complete and total ban” on Muslims entering the United States because of the “great hatred” many of them harbor for Americans.
INBOX: Trump statement calling for total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States ——->— Al Weaver (@alweaver22) December 7, 2015
Just put out a very important policy statement on the extraordinary influx of hatred & danger coming into our country. We must be vigilant!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 7, 2015
Trump’s call for a ban on Muslim immigrants and visitors to enter the U.S. comes just days after the terrorist attack in San Bernardino that killed 14 people. At least one of the shooters responsible for the attack reportedly declared allegiance to ISIS.
Over the past few weeks, Trump has doubled down on his claims that thousands of Muslims in New Jersey cheered as they watched the World Trade Center buildings collapse on 9/11, despite the fact that no evidence whatsoever exists to support his claim. The wealthy nepot also suggested at one point that American Muslims should be required to carry a special identification card indicating that they practiced the Islamic religion.
Trump will likely get to explain his policy announcement during the upcoming GOP Presidential debate on Dec. 15, which is set to air on CNN.