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Mike Rowe Just Announced His 2016 Presidential Campaign Plans

On his Facebook page yesterday, Mike Rowe revealed that over 500,000 people have asked him to run for president in 2016. Will he or won’t he?


There’s good news and bad news. The good news is that Mike Rowe seriously considered whether he should run for president in 2016. The bad news is that he declined the opportunity. Instead, he announced today that he has nominated his dog Freddie to make a run for the White House.

The Dirty Jobs host explained that over the past year he’s received 500,000 comments on his Facebook page from fans asking him to run for president. While Rowe will not be seeking the Oval Office himself, he’s nominating his dog for the job. Rowe says if he must serve in public office, he’ll do it as Freddie’s vice president:

Naturally, I’m flattered – deeply. But aside from my conspicuous lack of experience, (I can barely keep a TV show on the air,) I’m afraid I lack the temperament for elected office. My dog on the other hand, is not only more suited for the role, he is, according to the most recent polls – more popular than his master, and therefor, far more electable. So, I would be willing – under Freddy’s leadership and guidance – to serve as his Vice President, and in that regard, your humble servant. With that in mind, I’m pleased to officially announce our candidacy, and submit to you a ticket worthy of your consideration.

While Rowe admitted that Freddy’s victory is unlikely, he explained that it’s really all for charity. Rowe is selling campaign swag and said a portion of the proceeds will go to the mikeroweWORKS Foundation, a charity he started to help people get the real-world vocational training they need to find a good job.

Courtesy of Mike Rowe's Facebook page.
Courtesy of Mike Rowe’s Facebook page.

Rowe concluded the announcement with a pre-emptive apology:

PS. Over the next two weeks, Freddy will address any questions you might post regarding his platform. Apologies in advance… (Freddy and The Biped approve of this message.)