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Ben Carson: Opposing Gay Marriage Isn’t Homophobia

ben carson

Dr. Ben Carson had to explain during Wednesday’s debate that opposing same-sex marriage doesn’t make him a homophobe.


Dr. Ben Carson had to explain the difference between disagreeing with someone’s political views and outright hating them during the third Republican Presidential debate, which aired Wednesday night on CNBC.

CNBC moderator, Carl Quintanilla, asked Carson a question about whether or not his involvement with the board of warehouse superstore, Coscto, which treats it’s gay employees well, contradicts his beliefs against same-sex marriage.

He responded:

I believe that our Constitution protects everybody, regardless of their sexual or orientation. I also believe that marriage is between a man and a woman. There is no reason why you can’t be perfectly fair to the gay community. They shouldn’t automatically assume because you believe that marriage is between one man and one woman that you are a homophobe. This is one of the myths that the left perpetrates on our society. This is how they frighten people and get people to shut up. Thats what the PC culture is all about and it’s destroying our nation. The fact of the matter is, we the American people, are not each other’s enemy. It is people who are trying to divide us are our enemies and we need to make that very clear to everybody.