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Shock Poll: Only 41% Of Democrats Want Congress To Approve Obama’s Iran Deal

Image Creditby New York Post

According to a new poll from Monmouth University, Obama can’t even get majority support for his Iran deal from his own party.


A new poll released on Monday shows that support for Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran continues to unravel. According to the poll from Monmouth University, only 41 percent of Democrats believe Congress should approve the president’s nuclear deal with the Iranian regime.

The numbers only get worse among independents and Republicans. Overall, just 27 percent of those polled believe Congress should approve the controversial nuclear deal with Iran. A majority of Republicans (55 percent) and a plurality of independents (33 percent) believe Congress should reject the deal:

The public is divided on how Congress should handle the recently negotiated agreement to curb Iran’s nuclear program. Just over 1-in-4 (27%) say Congress should vote to approve it and about 1-in-3 (32%) say Congress should not, while a plurality (41%) are not sure what Congress should do. A majority (55%) of Republicans say Congress should reject the deal, just 13% say it should support the deal and 32% are unsure. Just over 4-in-10 (41%) Democrats say Congress should approve the agreement compared to just 14% who oppose it, but 45% of Democrats remain unsure. Among independents, 27% say Congress should approve the agreement, 33% not approve it, and 40% are not sure.

The Monmouth poll also found that a large plurality of Americans believe Iran got the better end of the deal. Only 14 percent of those polled think America came out on top in the deal. In contrast, 41 percent said Iran came out on top.

Perhaps the most striking finding of the poll is that pluralities within each party — Republican, independent, and Democrat — said they trust Iran “not at all” when it comes to honoring the terms of the agreement:

Monmouth Poll Iran Trust

Overall, 61 percent of respondents said they do not trust Iran at all.