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Republican Josh Hawley To Become U.S. Senator, Beating Claire McCaskill

Image Creditscreengrab/YouTube

Republican candidate Josh Hawley defeated Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill to become a U.S. senator for Missouri Tuesday. 


Republican candidate Josh Hawley is projected to become a U.S. Senator representing Missouri.

CBS News called the race for Hawley over incumbent Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill Tuesday night by 55-42 percent, with 79 percent of precincts reporting. The battle between McCaskill and Hawley was a hotly contested one projected my many analysts as being a toss up in the days leading up to the election.

Polling found that McCaskill fell behind Hawley after she refused to support Justice Brett Kavanaugh throughout his nomination to the Supreme Court. In recent weeks, President Trump campaigned in Missouri to encourage Republicans to turn out and vote in favor of Hawley.