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Displaying 967 results for: ted cruz

3 U.S. Refugee Laws Everyone Forgets

…paid for by the United States and other western donors. Asylum-seekers are an uncontrolled, poorly vetted flow of crisis migrants, while refugees are controlled, consolidated, and identified. Thus, asylum-seekers are…

The Government’s War on Speech: Citizens United at Five

…that advocacy done anonymously. Initially catalyzed with presidential rhetoric, attacks permeated throughout the federal government, from Washington’s most powerful institutions to nondescript bureaucratic backwaters. The effort—concerted if not centrally coordinated—has…

GOP Field Bereft Of Free-Traders

…consumers does not make us richer simply because it also harms foreigners. Ted Cruz, Respectable Mercantilist Sen. Ted Cruz criticized Trump’s tariff proposal on the ground that it would spark…

Thunderdome: Iowa Votes

Cruz was victorious, Donald Trump failed to deliver. The massive turnout was supposed to benefit him – instead, it lifted Cruz with the most votes of any Iowa Republican winner….

Time For Rubio’s Reckoning

…for messaging than individualized contact. Sasha Issenberg writes: In their duel for second place, Cruz and Rubio had similarly sophisticated targeting operations, but put to very different uses. While Cruz’s…

Genital Mutilation: The Real War On Women

…United States today. Although several European countries will have substantially higher percentages of Muslims, the United States is projected to have a larger number of Muslims by 2030 than any…

Why Trump Won’t Win Pennsylvania

…Blue-collar whites are a diminishing portion of the electorate, college-educated whites a growing one. No Republican has ever lost college-educated whites. Trump may, because the distaff side of that cohort…

Iowa Caucus: The Anybody But Trump Vote

…wasted opportunity. By contrast, Trump’s speech was perfunctory, suppressed, and — how shall I put this? — low energy. Cruz’s victory speech was a massive wasted opportunity. It came fairly…

Was Donald Trump Really Cheated Out Of Iowa?

On Wednesday morning, two days after losing the Iowa Republican caucus to Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, Donald Trump accused the Texas senator of stealing the election. According to Trump, Cruz’s…

Does Marco Rubio Have A Prayer?

…percent for Trump, 26 percent for Cruz, 28 percent for Rubio. Going Negative May Have Hurt Cruz One might speculate on a number of reasons for Rubio’s edge over Cruz….

Best Tweets Of The Las Vegas GOP Primary Debate

…to @tedcruz: “Please attack Trump!” Cruz: #GOPDebate — National Review (@NRO) December 16, 2015 Instead, the first conflict was between Cruz and Marco Rubio. They clashed over surveillance… Cruz

Best Tweets Of The Texas Republican Debate

…Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, John Kasich, Marco Rubio, and Donald Trump. Since Trump’s smashing victory in the Nevada caucus on Tuesday, observers have wondered: Can Trump be stopped? Will the…

10 Things Trump Said But Says He Didn’t

Ted Cruz tied Trump to Clinton-Obama foreign policy by noting that Trump supported their intervention in Libya’s civil war that resulted in Muammar Gaddafi’s overthrow. Trump responded with indignation: “He…

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