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Displaying 852 results for: assisted suicide

How Assisted Suicide Becomes A License To Kill

…with chronic conditions like multiple sclerosis, depression, autism, and blindness have committed suicide with the help of their doctors. When doctor-assisted suicide elevates suicide as a solution, it necessarily weakens…

Assisted Suicide: The Ultimate Choice

…is the difference when it comes to suicide? How Is Suicide Different? From a merely logical point of view, suicide is a choice. The person considering or making the choice…

Suicide: The Next Civil Rights Frontier

…including chronic depression among its reasons for assisted suicide. Thirteen percent of Belgians euthanized in 2014 did not have a terminal condition. Non-terminal reasons for suicide include autism, anorexia, borderline…

You Before Me Is Better Than ‘Me Before You’

…despair. As one palliative care website says about why they don’t allow or encourage assisted suicide, “In our experience, the issue of physician-assisted suicide often arises as a response to…

Our Deepening Love Affair With Death

…in the death brigade’s never-ending demands for more death. Yesterday, Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill legalizing physician-assisted suicide. California is now the fifth state to permit doctors to help…

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