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5 Shocking Reasons Trump Should Exit The U.N. Now

The UN is tied to shocking scandals harming children and families around the world, and threatens to do much more.


A host of valid reasons have been cited for why the United States should exit the United Nations, including the erosion of U.S. sovereignty, climate activism that imperils the global economy, the spending of billions of dollars on non-U.S. priorities, and forced collaboration with ruthless dictators. Here are five lesser-known reasons to exit the UN that may be even more compelling to the average family.

1. The UN is the Largest Global Purveyor of Gender Ideology

The United Nations is a major player in the global push to de-sex society in the name of “gender equality.” The Generation Equality Forum convened by UN Women in 2021 launched a five-year action agenda to achieve their version of gender equality. The Forum garnered $40 billion in financial commitments to advance gender equality worldwide. 

UN Women has historically been dedicated to advancing women’s rights around the globe. But in July 2019, UN Women announced it would now focus on “equality of all genders” including transgender, questioning or queer, intersex, pan-sexual, gender nonconforming, nonbinary, and “the full range of gender diversities that exist.” This seismic shift by UN Women represents the abandonment of women’s rights at the highest UN levels. It signals the attempted obliteration of physical sex as a meaningful and defensible designation in society.

If you’ve noticed an extraordinary and almost inexplicable uptick in transgender activism and in the rates of children and others identifying as transgender over the past five years, it is due in large part to the workings of the United Nations.

2. UN Agencies Promote ‘Sexual Rights’ for Children

A major way the UN seeks to disseminate gender ideology across the globe is through comprehensive sexuality education programs. Not only do these programs teach children that their bodies do not reflect their innate identity as males or females, but they teach children that they have “sexual rights” that must be protected by law. These “sexual rights” include the right to access sexual content and the right to experience sexual pleasure at all ages (see here and here.) In UN negotiations, UN actors fight ferociously to enshrine comprehensive sexuality education as a human right for all children.

The UN’s definitive document on sexuality education endorsed by multiple UN agencies (including the World Health Organization) is laced with references to childhood sexuality. It says, “[Young] people want and need sexuality and sexual health information as early and comprehensively as possible;” that children should have “agency in their own sexual practices and relationships;” and that comprehensive sexuality education can “help children…form respectful and healthy relationships with…sexual partners.”

A longtime partner of UN agencies, International Planned Parenthood Federation is the largest promoter of comprehensive sexuality education programs in the world. In its “sexual rights” declaration for youth it says, “Sexuality and sexual pleasure are important parts of being human for everyone — no matter what age, no matter if you’re married or not and no matter if you want to have children or not.” Notice the phrase “no matter what age,” which does not appear to make exceptions for children, toddlers, or babies. (For more on the children’s sexual rights movement, see here and here.)

3. The UN has a History of Horrific Child Sex Abuse

Incidents of child sex abuse by UN personnel and UN peacekeepers have been reported for decades (see here and here.) To cite only a few of many heinous incidents, a series of “food-for-sex” scandals erupted in the early 2000s when UN peacekeepers in Liberia were accused of selling food for sex to girls as young as eight. In Haiti, at least 134 UN peacekeepers from Sri Lanka were accused of sexually abusing children in a sex ring from 2004 to 2007. One boy reported having sex with more than 100 peacekeepers, averaging about four a day over the course of three years beginning when the boy was fifteen.

In 2014 in the Central African Republic, another child sex scandal erupted involving French UN peacekeepers. One boy said he’d been given biscuits and cash in exchange for sex and a thirteen-year-old boy said he “couldn’t number all the times he’d been forced to perform [sex acts] on soldiers.” When one UN official notified French authorities of the alleged abuse against children, he was suspended by senior UN figures for “breaching protocols.” The list of similar incidents is long and alarming, and almost no meaningful action has been taken to stop it.

On a final explosive note, UNICEF’s Implementation Handbook for the Convention on the Rights of the Child purportedly instructs policymakers worldwide on how to protect the rights and well-being of children. The author of the handbook was longtime children’s-rights campaigner Peter Newell, who worked for UNICEF. In February 2018, Newell was convicted of sexual crimes and allegedly raped a boy over the course of three years beginning when the boy was thirteen. Newell pled guilty to charges against him. Let that sink in. The UN handbook on protecting children worldwide was written by a child rapist. (For more on the troubling nature of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, see here.)

4. UN Officials are Immune to Prosecution

A founding UN document called the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations says UN officials shall “be immune from legal process in respect of words spoken or written and all acts performed by them in their official capacity” and grants them immunity from civil lawsuits in any jurisdiction anywhere in the world.

This means UN officials are immune from being prosecuted for virtually any act that can be construed as having occurred in connection with their “official capacity.” Peter Gallo, a former investigator employed by the UN, says the immunity loophole is “being grossly abused,” and that UN officials are “paid enormous salaries for what they do and they’re comfortable in their immunity, knowing they won’t be caught.”

The old line about absolute power corrupts absolutely comes to mind.

5. The Current Secretary-General of the UN is the Former President of Socialist International

The list of UN leaders with socialist and communist ties goes back to the very foundations of the UN itself. But one doesn’t have to dig into the mire of UN history to discover that the UN has severe socialist leanings. António Guterres, current Secretary-General of the UN is a member of the Portuguese Socialist Party and served as secretary-general of the Socialist Party from 1992-2002. He then served as president of Socialist International from 1999–2005.

Further, Audrey Azoulay, the current director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a member of the Socialist Party. This matters because UNESCO is the self-appointed steward of education for the world and has increasingly significant influence on how the children of the world will be taught in the coming decade. Do you think Ms. Azoulay and Mr. Guterres want children to learn about the dark and lethal history of Mao’s socialist-communist state in China? Or the millions upon millions crushed in the wheels of Marxist Russia? Or the legions killed in Cambodia’s ruthless regime?

The Time is Ripe

The coalescing of minimal accountability, huge financial reserves, fondness for child sex, and ever-increasing political leverage at the UN has done harm to the children and families of the world and threatens to do much more.

President Ronald Reagan withdrew the United States from UNESCO in 1984, stating that it “has “exhibited hostility toward the basic institutions of a free society, especially a free market and a free press, and has demonstrated unrestrained budgetary expansion.” President George W. Bush ushered us back in. President Trump withdrew the U.S. from both UNESCO and the UN’s World Health Organization during his first term in office and has now withdrawn the U.S from the World Health Organization once again.

Is it time to get the United States out of the United Nations entirely? President Trump is the first president in history who has the will to do it. But will he?

Let’s hope so. Our children’s future may depend on it.

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