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Big Pharma And Big Food Are Shaking In Their Boots At A Second Trump Era

The incoming Trump administration poses a major threat to the unholy alliance between pharmaceutical giants and Big Agriculture.


With Republicans back in charge, Donald Trump’s administration is ready, with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on standby, to take on America’s health crisis that’s been metastasizing for decades.

RFK Jr., likely to be the new health sheriff in town, is ready to get us off the Big Pharma/Big Agriculture chemical cocktail and back on track toward something shocking: actual health.  

The Big Pharma Panic

The pharmaceutical industry is predictably in panic mode. Top pharma executives scrambled to hold an emergency meeting the moment the election was called, sources reportedly told Kennedy adviser and former New Jersey lawmaker Jamel Holley. And who could blame them? They know RFK Jr. has been gunning for them for years. Big Pharma has turned health care into a profit machine, getting Americans hooked on medications instead of helping them get well. It’s been a great gig for them — until now. 

RFK Jr. is after the Food and Drug Administration too, with plans to gut the agency’s ties to Big Pharma. The FDA’s nutrition department and other departments “that are not doing their job” have to be abolished, he told MSNBC. “They’re not protecting our kids. Why do we have Froot Loops in this country that have 18 or 19 ingredients, but in Canada, it’s only got two or three?”

Perhaps his boldest proposal is banning pharmaceutical advertising in the media. Just imagine no more predatory commercials trying to convince you that your “bad sleep” needs an expensive prescription and no more soothing voices telling you about horrific side effects while cheerful actors frolic in meadows. Cutting Big Pharma’s influence off at the source would help clear the way for Americans to get real information instead of propaganda. 

Banning direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical ads — which every nation besides the U.S. and New Zealand has already done — isn’t just some fringe idea formulated by RFK’s mind. Vice President-elect J.D. Vance has promoted the idea, including during his wide-ranging interview with influential podcaster Joe Rogan.

Big Ag’s Dirty Little Secret 

Big Pharma’s not the only one in RFK Jr.’s crosshairs; Big Agriculture is on notice too. America’s food supply has been a maze of processed additives and preservatives for years, thanks to industry giants who prioritize profit over public health. It’s not just soda and chips. Our everyday food supply, even “fresh” produce, is loaded with pesticides and other chemicals that are better suited for a lab experiment than a healthy diet. 

RFK Jr. and the Trump administration are seeking ways to revolutionize the system so our food actually nourishes us instead of slowly poisons us. They agree Americans shouldn’t have to squint at ingredient lists, wondering why there’s a chemistry lab’s worth of additives in a loaf of bread. RFK Jr.’s plan is ambitious, but it aligns with Trump’s America-first approach — except this time, it’s America’s health first. 

Bigger Than Toothpaste

To that end, RFK Jr. is also zeroing in on fluoride, the dentist-subscribed mineral we consume every day thanks to government mandates. Studies now suggest it may come with serious side effects, especially for children

A recent federal court decision agrees. Judge Edward Chen ruled that the Environmental Protection Agency failed to investigate fluoride’s health risks. RFK Jr. seized the moment and declared that Trump’s administration will tell localities to stop adding fluoride to the water. 

 Are We Sick on Purpose? 

An uncomfortable truth is coming to light: For years, Big Pharma and Big Ag have had us right where they want us. Processed food makes us sluggish, bloated, and in desperate need of medical “fixes,” which pharmaceutical companies are happy to provide. It’s a win-win for them (follow the money), but for us, not so much. Too many Americans are overfed and undernourished, medicated but rarely cured, and increasingly dependent on corporations that profit from their illnesses. 

The pharmaceutical industry’s worst nightmare is our greatest hope: elected officials who represent Americans instead of corporate interests, and water, food, and medicine that makes us stronger rather than lining the pockets of those who’d rather see us weak and overprescribed.

Make America Healthy Again 

This isn’t just about government policy. Yes, Trump and RFK Jr. are ready to take on Big Pharma and Big Ag, but the true change begins with us. Making America great again starts with making America healthy again. We must pay attention to what we eat, what we drink, and what else we allow into our bodies. It’s time to question every pill, every additive, and every glass of tap water. Are we choosing health or feeding into the same twisted system that got us here? 

Start small. Eat real food. Skip the packaged junk with ingredients you can’t pronounce. Think twice about every medication — do you need it, or is there another way? And get moving! A strong, self-reliant America begins with each of us taking charge of our own health. 

Trump and RFK Jr. may be leading the fight from Washington, but the real battleground is right here at home. America, it’s time to take back our health, one choice at a time. 

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