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Garland Appoints Corrupt Special Counsel To Stonewall Congress, Protect Joe Biden

Merrick Garland
Image CreditCBS News / YouTube

In a brazen attempt to stonewall Congress and run interference for the Biden family, Attorney General Merrick Garland promoted the architect of Hunter Biden’s sweetheart plea deal to special counsel under the Department of Justice.

On Friday, Garland announced Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss would oversee an “ongoing” criminal investigation into Hunter Biden with new federal protections.

“On Tuesday of this week,” Garland said, “Mr. Weiss advised me that in his judgment, his investigation had reached a stage at which he should continue his work as a special counsel, and he asked to be so appointed.”

Garland approved the request and ran off when pressed about why Weiss is just now being promoted to special counsel.

The appointment comes three weeks after Hunter Biden’s plea deal was derailed by a federal judge last month. The president’s son rejected the deal after the judge clarified the agreement would not offer the Bidens immunity from future charges. Prosecutors revealed in court that they were still considering charges under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

The plea deal was also scuffled after a pair of whistleblowers from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) detailed explosive allegations of DOJ interference that prevented prosecutors from bringing the most serious charges against Hunter Biden.

Veteran IRS agents Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley testified before House lawmakers last month that the department actively sabotaged their federal tax investigation that originated as a probe into a foreign pornography ring. According to Shapley, Weiss allowed the statute of limitations to pass to avoid filing additional charges, with the most significant felonies left off the table. Whistleblowers also said they were left in the dark about evidence from the FBI that was corroborated by the bureau implicating President Joe Biden in a criminal bribery scheme with Hunter’s Ukrainian business partners.

Despite the cascade of crime-ridden scandals to plague the president’s family, Hunter Biden was prepared to plead guilty merely to two misdemeanor tax crimes and a single felony firearm charge forgiven after 24 months of sobriety.

The move to elevate Biden’s prosecutors to special counsel status after the plea deal was rejected is a deflection from Garland to claim the investigation is run entirely independently. There is no such thing as special counsel immunity from congressional subpoenas, but the promotion may interfere with Weiss’s planned testimony before lawmakers.

Russell Dye, a spokesman for House Republican Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio, called Weiss’s appointment to special counsel “just a new way to whitewash the Biden family’s corruption.”

“Weiss has already signed off on a sweetheart plea deal that was so awful and unfair that a federal judge rejected it,” Dye said in a statement to The Federalist. “We will continue to pursue facts brought to light by brave whistleblowers as well as Weiss’s inconsistent statements to Congress.”

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