A recent alleged death threat against pro-life activists indicates that Jane’s Revenge — the group that has claimed responsibility for several violent attacks against pregnancy centers and pro-life organizations throughout the nation — doesn’t just support the killing of unborn children but is willing to “shoot up” those working against their evil and dystopian dream.
On Saturday, Students for Life Action (SFLAction) members and other Nebraskan pro-life activists reported finding a death threat attributed to Jane’s Revenge posted to the door of the St. John Paul II Newman Center near the University of Nebraska-Omaha’s Scott Campus. The pro-lifers were gathering at the facility that morning to attend a Political Leadership Workshop and brainstorm how they could utilize the pro-life organization’s “Campaign for Abortion Free Cities to shut down the late-term abortion facility in the state,” according to a Twitter post from SFLAction President Kristan Hawkins.
The death threat stated, “If our right to abortion in Bellevue is taken away due to the attempt to pass an abortion ban and it gets passed we will shoot up your Newman Center with our new AR14 rifles. Sincerely, Jane’s Revenge.” The letter was addressed to Newman Center director Rev. Dan Andrews.
Someone claiming to be part of the pro-abortion group allegedly also threatened Christ Community Church — just under six miles from the Newman Center — later that Saturday, according to a local report. “The note threatened violence and also mentioned Jane’s Revenge,” the Scottsbluff Star-Herald wrote.
The Federalist reached out to the FBI to ask if it planned to investigate this alleged death threat from Jane’s Revenge but did not receive a response by deadline. The agency told Fox News simply that its Omaha branch was “aware of the incident and is in regular contact with local authorities” on Monday.
This is not the first time abortion radicals claiming to be part of Jane’s Revenge have threatened or attacked those who advocate for the unborn and support pro-life causes. The pro-abortion group has taken credit for several violent strikes, including the firebombing of a pro-life pregnancy center in Buffalo, New York. Graffiti on the targeted pregnancy center read, “Jane Was Here.”
The group also claimed responsibility for setting fire to Wisconsin Family Action’s headquarters in Madison earlier this year.
“Next time the infrastructure of the enslavers will not survive,” the group appeared to threaten in a statement about the Wisconsin attack, which was shared anonymously with an investigative reporter from a publication based in the Netherlands. “Medical imperialism will not face a passive enemy. Wisconsin is the first flashpoint, but we are all over the US, and we will issue no further warnings.”
Aside from this self-admittedly violent, pro-abortion group, criminal acts against pro-lifers have been springing up across the country following the overturn of Roe v. Wade earlier this year. Just last week, anti-life protesters interrupted the Capitol Hill Pregnancy Center’s fundraising banquet. One protester used vile language to attack those in attendance, screaming expletives and phrases such as, “Blood on your hands! Jane says revenge, mother f-ckers,” and “Abortion forever!”