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Stacey Abrams Claims Heartbeats Of Unborn Children Are A ‘Manufactured Sound’ To Control Women

Stacey Abrams Interview
Image CreditNBC News/YouTube

For millions of mothers and fathers each year, going to a doctor’s office to hear their unborn child’s heartbeat is one of the most important milestones in early pregnancy. But prominent Democrat Stacey Abrams publicly claimed ultrasound technology that enables parents to hear that heartbeat is instead a patriarchal plot to control women’s bodies by creating a “manufactured sound.”

“There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks,” Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams said during a Tuesday event at the Ray Charles Performing Arts Center in Georgia. “It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”

Abrams pushed the unsubstantiated conspiracy theory that in utero baby heartbeats are actually manufactured by misogynistic male politicians in the context of wanting Georgia’s “heartbeat bill” repealed.  

In 2019, Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp signed into law HB 481, the fetal heartbeat bill, which outlaws abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. Abrams also said the legislation shouldn’t be referred to as the “fetal heartbeat bill” because the name is “medically false” and “biologically a lie.”

According to the American Pregnancy Association, however, a baby’s heartbeat can usually be detected between six and seven weeks. Even Planned Parenthood, the country’s largest abortion provider, admits babies develop a “very basic beating heart” by five to six weeks of pregnancy.

Abrams is not alone in promoting the conspiracy theory. Recently, following the success of state legislation offering some protections for unborn children with a detectable heartbeat, some abortion extremists have attempted to assert that fetal heartbeats aren’t real. The coordinated campaign to deny scientific reality took off in February 2022 when The New York Times began to claim pro-abortion “experts” are starting to doubt the long-held reality that unborn children have detectable heartbeats.

Abortion radicals argue that because an unborn baby’s heart is not fully developed and its beats are faint, it isn’t actually a heartbeat. The campaign is reminiscent of a growing movement to claim the earth is actually flat. But the human heart grows throughout childhood, only reaching its full size when a person stops growing.

Democrats have been focusing on the topic of abortion under the belief that it will help their electoral prospects in November. In June, the Supreme Court issued its Dobbs ruling, which overturned the controversial Roe v. Wade decision which forbade nearly all restrictions on ending unborn human life.

But polling shows the vast majority of Americans support at least some protections for unborn children, particularly later in pregnancy. Democrats, including Abrams, oppose any and all restrictions on abortion.

In addition to denying the reality of heartbeats in unborn children, Abrams is also known for denying the reality of the election she lost when she previously ran for governor of Georgia in 2018.

Abrams is currently polling 6.6 points behind incumbent Kemp. It is unclear whether she will deny the reality of a second loss to the governor should she lose in November.

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