When twenty-three members of Congress pressed Washington D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser on an investigation into the deaths of five babies, they were expecting answers about the potentially illegal abortions happening in her jurisdiction. Instead, she promised to criminally investigate the pro-life activists who found the bodies and turned them over to the police.
Pro-life activists had done so with the hope that autopsies and an investigation would look into possible criminal activity. Unsurprisingly, given the politics of the pro-abortion left, no one can be found to answer serious questions about the abortions and possible acts of infanticide that led to their being placed in buckets and treated as waste products.
Serious Questions Need Answers
On Tuesday, a letter was sent to Mayor Bowser from both the House of Representatives and the Senate demanding a full investigation into the recent deaths of the five children, all committed at a local abortion facility, Washington Surgi-Clinic. Although abortion is legal through all nine months of pregnancy in D.C., medical experts who reviewed photos of the children believe that federal crimes may have been committed in violation of the Partial-Birth Abortion Act as well as the Born Alive Infants Protection Act.
Yet, Mayor Bowser — who leads all of the District bureaucracy including the D.C. Medical Examiner’s Office — indicated to the media that they’ve chosen not to conduct autopsies or further investigate the circumstances of the deaths.
Why is Mayor Bowser letting the abortion industry run our nation’s capital? Why is she ignoring members of Congress who are demanding an investigation into the circumstances of this potential murder case? It’s far past time for justice to prevail.
Live Action News initially reported the story by releasing disturbing photos of the five children, most of whom, according to medical experts, were viable infants able to live independently outside the womb. Of the two federal crimes potentially committed, one baby girl, now named Harriet, approximately 28-30 weeks old, was the victim of what appears to be a partial-birth abortion.
Former abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman said in a statement to Live Action News, “[Harriet] appears intact and completely normal except for trauma to the neck. There appears to be an incision at the base of the skull, and the head has been decompressed. If the baby was alive at the start of this procedure, it would be considered a partial-birth abortion and would be illegal.”
Why would the mayor avoid investigating this further? Maybe it’s her ties to Planned Parenthood. Or perhaps it’s because she thinks “ensur[ing] abortion access … for the people of D.C. is essential.” Well, Ms. Mayor, how essential is it to protect your citizens from murder?
A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words
These photos tell a tragic story. These babies and the citizens of D.C. deserve better.
According to Aultman, one of the boys, who has been named Christopher by pro-life activists, “should have been in a nursery.” He is estimated by some medical experts to be nearly full-term, and Aultman claims: “He appears to be completely normal and was probably aborted using the induction method, which uses medication to induce labor. He looks about the same size as my granddaughter when she was born.”
Then there’s “Baby Phoenix.” While the gender is unknown, the baby can be seen inside of his or her intact amniotic sac which raises questions about how the abortionist may have ended his or her life.
“An induction method would have been used for the abortion,” said Dr. Aultman. “Unless this baby was injected with a drug designed to kill prior to the abortion, he or she may very well have been born alive and then left to die.”
We must know what happened and if these abortions were committed illegally. And whether or not these gruesome killings were legal, we cannot look away from the humanity of these babies. Live Action, among other organizations, members of Congress, and private citizens are imploring Mayor Bowser to order an autopsy for each of these five beautiful children – who all deserved a chance at life.
All citizens of good conscience should also demand a full and thorough investigation into the Washington Surgi-Clinic and Dr. Cesare Santangelo — who has a questionable medical practice with tragic reviews, leaving women scarred both physically and emotionally. Days ago, someone claiming to be a patient who says she allegedly received an abortion at the clinic, left a Google review questioning whether her baby may have been born alive at 27 weeks after an abortion.
It’s time for Mayor Bowser to put politics aside and perform her basic legal and moral duties. Investigating the cause of the deaths of these children and if their demise violated federal law must be the next step in this sad story.