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Introducing Poetic Justice, Sane Advice For Sane Readers

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Image CreditTaken by Author

Welcome to Poetic Justice, a new advice column for the advice columnists who fail their readers.

This is not a typical blog that harnesses the personal conundrums of its audience to opine. Rather, this is a project to highlight the increasing radicalism of newsroom elites exposed by their own advice often as equally as extreme as the submissions from their readership.

In the coming weeks, I’ll be offering sane advice for sane readers on insane questions of moral conflict met with equally insane responses, such as, “Should I try to save a child from her adoptive mom’s bad race politics?” wherein a New York Times writer counseled an Alabama mother concerned about the phrase “all lives matter.”

Other publications have offered responses to validate personal experiences that were completely made up. In October, writer Bennett Madison wrote a confessional essay admitting he sent 25 letters to Slate’s “Dear Prudence” advice column, at least 12 of which were published either in print or podcast. Submissions included “Help! My Husband Won’t Remove His Mask, Even For Sex!” and “My Mother Is Trying To Convince the Guests At My Gay Wedding To Come Dressed As Disney Characters.”

While The Federalist cannot independently verify submissions are real, the advice certainly is, and it’s almost always radically leftist.

Not every question highlighted in this project will be extreme. But the advice from writers at legacy papers almost always will be, reflecting the left-wing bias of newsroom contributors who live entirely within progressive spaces.

Read the first column here.