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Rubio Delays Nomination Of Pro-Abortion Radical Atul Gawande To Top Global Health Position

Atul Gawande

Sen. Marco Rubio said Gawande’s extreme anti-life views are unacceptable and have no place in an agency that presides over the United States.


Sen. Marco Rubio delayed the nomination of pro-abortion radical Dr. Atul Gawande on Tuesday after President Joe Biden asked Gawande to serve as the assistant administrator of the Bureau for Global Public Health at the U.S. Agency for International Development.

The Florida Republican, who sits on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations where he delayed the vote on the nomination, said Gawande’s extreme anti-life views are unacceptable and have no place in an agency that presides over the United States.

“Atul Gawande’s defense of infanticide is disqualifying,” Rubio said. “Infanticide should be condemned, not celebrated, but Gawande’s radical, anti-life views are becoming mainstream in today’s Democratic Party. President Biden should withdraw Gawande’s nomination and replace him with someone who is committed to upholding the agency’s mission of saving lives.”

Gawande has a long history of supporting the killing of infants including penning an article in 1998 calling for now-illegal partial-birth abortions where he tries to justify, in detail, ending a human life via methods that are “less grotesque” than normal abortions.

“Whether the fetus is in the womb or out, big or small, does not matter, either,” Gawande wrote in an effort to downplay the pro-life community’s problems with partial-birth abortions. He also said “grossness is not a good objection” to abortions.

The potential nominee also complained in 2017 when the Trump administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention banned using “fetus” as a descriptor for babies in the womb.

Gawande previously worked as CEO of the health care startup company Haven, which was funded by Amazon, JPMorgan Chase, and Berkshire Hathaway. He stepped down from his position in May 2020 to spend more time on the pandemic, which eventually led to his role on Biden’s COVID-19 advisory board in November 2020.

During his time on the advisory board, Gawande made frequent corporate media appearances to tout Biden’s goal of keeping the country locked down and masked during the holidays last year.