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In Viral Video, Fed Up Mother Unloads On Kafka-esque School Mask Rules

Masks Jill Herman
Image CreditYouTube

‘Why are we still complying? Why are we just going along?’ Indiana mom Jill Herman asked.


Nonsensical mask mandates are ruling schools across the country — and Indiana mom Jill Herman has had enough. In a now-viral video posted to her Facebook last week, Herman explained the ridiculous mask rules at her son’s high school, the No. 2-ranked high school in the area.

At Carroll High School in Fort Wayne, Indiana, students who attend the school and staff who work at the school don’t have to mask. Yet any outside visitor does have to wear a mask — but only during business hours.

Herman, who visited the school to sign transfer papers for her son, classified as a “visitor” who needed to wear a mask.

“I looked at the woman and I said, ‘Hold on, you don’t have a mask on.’ She said, ‘Well that’s because I work here,'” Herman said. “And I said, ‘So if you could help me understand, you don’t have to wear a mask because you work at the school, but I have to wear a mask because I don’t go to school here and I don’t work here. But do you leave this building and go interact with other people outside of the school?'”

Herman went to three different offices, two of which told her she had to wear a mask to enter. In the third office Herman entered, she was told it was “after hours,” so the mandate no longer applied. She asked in the video whether COVID transmission changes based on which office one is in?

“If we all had to wear a mask, even though I disagree, at least that logically makes sense if everyone’s doing the same thing,” she said.

But instead, Herman — the mother of a child who is allowed to be maskless — had to wear a face covering while administrators and students walked around the building mask-free. She noted that the same schools perpetuating these logically inane rules are the ones claiming to have authority to prepare children for adulthood.

“This is the place that our children are being taught. They are teaching our children, and they believe that this rule makes sense,” she said. “If you work in the building, you don’t have to wear a mask. If you go to school in the building, you don’t have to wear a mask. But you have to wear a mask if you walk into the building.”

Educators and administrators aren’t the only people to blame.

“Why are we still complying? Why are we just going along?” Herman posed. “This is the world we are not living in, we are creating.”

More and more, parents are standing up to illogical mask mandates and cruel educational practices, with many attending school board meetings to protest idiotic rules. But until more parents stand up, Herman urged, there’s no chance at reclaiming schools.

“You and I are responsible for this sh-t. Not them — we are responsible because we are letting it happen,” Herman said.