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West Point Leaders Face Pressure To Stop Teaching Racism To Cadets

West Point
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GOP Rep. Mike Waltz of Florida is urging West Point to stop teaching cadets critical race theory as part of their military training.


Leaders at the U.S. Military Academy West Point are facing pressure from GOP Rep. Mike Waltz of Florida to stop teaching cadets critical race theory as part of their training.

Waltz told Fox News he was confronted with the racist trainings in April after “he was approached by a number of cadets, families, and active-duty soldiers stationed at West Point, who shared snippets of presentations and seminars being held at the institution related to critical race theory.” Some lectures focused on “Understanding Whiteness and White Rage” and materials discussing “White Power at West Point.”

In a letter to West Point Superintendent Lt. Gen. Darryl Williams, Waltz pressed him on whether the institution should be engaged in teaching future military leaders that “the civilian institutions and structures with ultimate authority over them… are systemically oppressive and that they, therefore, have a duty to oppose them.”

In his response, Williams acknowledged that the academy did offer one course containing critical race theory materials called “The Politics of Race, Gender, and Sexuality.”

“There are two lessons on critical race theory, and the book, ‘Critical Race Theory: An Introduction,’ is one of several readings in the course,” Williams wrote. “This course is an upper-level elective. Most of the cadets who take the course are Political Science majors. Typical enrollment for this elective course averages about 23 cadets annually.”

Williams also confirmed that Dr. Carol Anderson, an anti-Trump academic who pushes critical race theory materials, gave a lecture to approximately 100 cadets.

Waltz, however, was not satisfied with Williams’ answer and sent a second letter on Wednesday asking for more details on the courses which he called “incredibly disturbing given the monopoly on power our military can have over society and for their implications towards the continued subordination of the military to civilian oversight.”

“While I appreciate the substantive details you provided, I did not receive ‘the full presentation of these seminars, presentations, assemblies, and other related curricula’ that I have respectfully requested in my oversight capacity as a Member of Congress on the House Armed Services Committee. My request still stands,” Waltz wrote.

He questioned why Anderson, someone who has produced highly politicized public statements, was allowed to teach the cadets.

“Why was a guest lecturer who characterized the former Commander-in-Chief as a ‘white nationalist’ and the Republican Party platform ‘white nationalism’ invited to teach cadets who should aspire to lead an a-political military? Was there a vetting process and review of her statements made on social media and in media prior to extending her an offer to teach Military Academy cadets?” Waltz asked.

Waltz’s letter follows a series of reports of critical race theory implementation in the U.S. military. The Federalist reported last week that the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base outside of Dayton, Ohio is using its “Diversity and Inclusion Newsletter” to push leftist propaganda on its members and the civilians who contract with the base.

Shortly before that, the U.S. Army released a new recruiting ad featuring a female corporal who joined the Army after being raised by “two moms” and growing up advocating for the LGBTQ agenda.

A couple of weeks later, a U.S. Space Force special unit commander was fired after he discussed the infiltration of Marxist ideology into the U.S. military on a podcast. In the recording, Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier is heard expressing his concerns that the U.S. military enacts policies that appeal to leftists over other ideologies or parties. He specifically noted that race-driven curricula and other far-left campaigns in the military are hurting opportunities for unity.