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Virtue Signaling About Beef Is Not Going To Save The Planet


On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, founder and executive director of Power the Future Daniel Turner joins Senior Editor Chris Bedford to break down cooking site Epicurious’s decision to ditch beef and prohibit it from the brand’s recipes, articles, and newsletters in the name of saving the planet.

“This attack on food is the most misanthropic position and that is the environmental left, that is the sustainability movement, that’s the environmental movement. They are truly anti-people. They are joyless. They don’t like humanity. They don’t,” Turner said. “When you look at something like this saying ‘we can’t have a healthy planet unless we get rid of beef, that is just purely unscientific and stupid but they’ve fallen for it.”

Turner said he is tired of this unscientific approach and the left’s attempts to ignorantly virtue signal about what they believe will delay climate change.

“America stands on the shoulder of giants, of those who came before us and gave us so much and I hate this constant movement of attacking fossil fuels, which has always been our first love, attacks on food, attacks on Dr. Suess, attacks on Shakespeare,” Turner said. “This bizarre notion of all of these things in combination through the generations, the literal definition of patrimony, that we have inherited, we now attack with this myopic and haughty perspective that we don’t need these things.”

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