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After Nine Weeks Without Press Conference, Biden Relies On Pre-Selected List Of Reporters At First One

Biden press conference
Image CreditWhiteHouse/Photo

Biden heavily relied on a pre-selected list of reporters to decide who he would call on for questions at his first press conference Thursday.


After delaying hosting an official press conference for more than nine weeks into office, President Joe Biden heavily relied on a pre-selected list of reporters to decide who he would call on for questions on Thursday.

While some presidents made a point to use a preferred press list in the past, Biden only fielded questions from 10 of the 25 reporters located in the White House’s East Room, many of whom injected their own agendas, bias, and narratives into their leading questions about immigration, the filibuster, and foreign policy.

One taxpayer-funded journalist at PBS asked if  the influx of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border is because Biden is so “moral” and “decent.”

“You’ve said over and over again, that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now, this isn’t the time to come. That message is not being received,” Yamiche Alcindor said. “Instead the perception of you, that got you elected as a moral, decent man, is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and trusting you with unaccompanied minors.”

Another reporter asked Biden if former President Barack Obama’s suggestion that the filibuster is “a relic of the Jim Crow era” is accurate, a sentiment that he readily agreed is true.

Even though multiple reporters were granted access to the indoor presser, certain White House correspondents such as Fox News’s Peter Doocy, who has a history of pressing White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki to answer his questions instead of giving him the runaround, were overlooked and never called on by the president.

The president previously delayed official discussions with the press far longer than at least 15 of his most recent predecessors such as former Presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama.