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President-Elect Joe Biden Calls Kamala Harris ‘President-Elect’

Image CreditNBC News / YouTube

President-Elect Joe Biden referenced his incoming Vice President Kamala Harris as the ‘president-elect’ Tuesday in a repeated slip-up.


President-Elect Joe Biden referenced his incoming Vice President Kamala Harris as the “president-elect” Tuesday in a repeated error both have made on the campaign trail.

“I hope the president will clearly and unambiguously urge all Americans to take the vaccine once it’s available,” Biden said in remarks on the coronavirus pandemic in Wilmington, Del. “I took it to instill public confidence in the vaccine. President-elect Harris took hers today for the same reason.”

The Tuesday slip-up has only added to mounting concerns over the 78-year-old president-elect’s cognitive capability to command the nation starting next month as the oldest White House occupant to ever assume office.

Biden had already referred to his running mate, a 56-year-old California senator, as leading the top of the ticket. Speaking in Florida in September, Biden referred to a potential new White House as a “Harris-Biden administration.” Harris made the same mistake several days earlier, speaking optimistically of a “Harris administration.”

Biden repeatedly appeared confused over the duration of the campaign, from his entrance into the crowded Democratic primary in the spring of 2019 to the final days of the election. The candidate who spent the summer in his Delaware basement mumbled gibberish on stage just days before voting concluded.

Biden also confused his fall opponent with George W. Bush, called himself a candidate for the Senate, forgot the name of his 2012 rival, and referred to his own running mate’s husband as her “wife.” In one primary debate last year, Biden forgot that Harris was on stage.

Follow Biden’s long list of errors here.