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Chris Bedford: Joe Biden Is China’s Biggest COVID Win

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Time Magazine awarded Joe Biden and Kamala Harris 2020 Person of the Year. Federalist Senior Editor Chris Bedford says they should have awarded Communist leader Xi Jinping.


Federalist Senior Editor Chris Bedford called former Vice President Joe Biden’s November victory China’s biggest pandemic win after it unleashed the novel Wuhan coronavirus on the world last year.

“It’s amazing what Xi [Jinping] has done in the past year, and it’s amazing that someone like Joe Biden, whose biggest strength was not being other guy, and who stayed in his basement, got called person of the year,” Bedford said. Time Magazine awarded President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris its 2020 Person of the Year.

After releasing the COVID plague, crushing democracy in Hong Kong, and expanding genocidal prison camps, Bedford said, Chinese President Xi Jinping will enter the new year with no accountability from the same American elites who brought down President Donald Trump this fall.

“He got away scot-free with this while Americans with the help of willful elites who are more on the side of China than they were on the American side, took down President Donald Trump.”