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Chuck Rocha: Democrats’ Woke White Operatives Don’t Get Latino Voters

Did the Democratic establishment take the Latino vote for granted this election? Listen to this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour.


On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Chuck Rocha, president of Solidarity Strategies, senior advisor to Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign, and author of “Tio Bernie,” breaks down how Latino voters cast their ballots in the 2020 elections.

Rocha believes that the Democrat establishment took the Latino vote for granted instead of fighting for it, which may have cost them some significant down-ballot races.

“A pattern that I’ve seen all across the country is that these young Latinos, coming of age, are not wed to any party and they are up for grabs. And neither party is really making that effort,” Rocha said, explaining that these new voters have to slowly section themselves off for either party by themselves. 

One of the biggest reasons Latinos continue to be overlooked, underestimated, and taken for granted in the election cycle, Rocha said, is because they are not included in creating campaign strategies that appeal to their specific communities.

“If there’s Latinos not at the table helping make any of these decisions, then why would we think that we’re going to be included in the strategy?” he asked. 

Listen here: