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Ted Cruz Calls Chris Wallace’s Moderating ‘Abysmal,’ ‘Whiny,’ And ‘Petulant’

Image CreditFox News / YouTube

“It was clear which side he was rooting for,” Sen. Cruz said of Wallace after the debate.


Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has joined the ranks of conservatives who aren’t happy with Fox News’ Chris Wallace. In an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt Wednesday morning, Cruz said he thought Wallace “did an abysmal job.”

“[Wallace] was whiny and petulant. I think he wanted to be the center of attention … it was much more about him than about the debaters,” Cruz added.

Cruz criticized Wallace’s “snide comments” toward Trump. When Biden said, “I can’t remember with of all his rantings,” Wallace chuckled with the remark, “I’m having a little trouble myself.”

Noting the liberal leanings of Wallace, a registered Democrat, Cruz compared his debate questions to an “oppo research dump.”

“They were equivalent of asking Trump ‘when did you stop beating your wife,’ and he didn’t do that on the other side,” Cruz said. He thought Wallace’s first question, about the Supreme Court, was a good start — but was frustrated each time Wallace stepped in to save Biden from having to answer Trump’s challenges.

“There were several times I thought the president had Biden on the ropes. For example, when Biden said, ‘Lots of law enforcement are supporting me,’ and Trump said ‘Fine, name one law enforcement organization in America that’s supporting you,’ and Biden blinked in terror and had no answer,” Cruz said. “And then Wallace jumped in, oh, let’s move on, let’s move on.”

At one point during the debate, Wallace’s repeated interruptions prompted  Trump to remark, “I guess I’m debating you, not him.”

Wallace also asked out-of-touch or poorly-framed questions like “Are you counting on the Supreme Court to settle voting disputes?” and “What is radical about racial sensitivity training?”

Meanwhile, a notable topic Wallace did not ask Biden about was his role in the Russia collusion hoax.

“It was clear which side he was rooting for,” Cruz said. “And that’s a bad thing for a debate moderator.”