During an interview with MSNBC’s Joy Reid, radio host Charlamagne tha God said should the presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden select a moderate vice president such as Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., it would cause “voter depression” among black voters in the 2020 election.
“On top of possible Russian interference and voter suppression, Dems have to worry about voter depression. That’s people staying home on election day because they just aren’t enthused by the candidate,” he said.
Charlamagne tha God criticized Biden for running a lack-luster campaign from his basement and expecting the black vote to turn out without making specific policy commitments to black voters.
“You can’t act like this is the most important election ever, but run a campaign from your basement and, you know, not make some real policy commitments to the black community. Not listening to some of the demands that the black community are making,” he said.
On Friday, Biden appeared on Charlamagne tha God’s radio show “The Breakfast Club,” where the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said black people aren’t black unless they vote for him.
“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re voting for me or Trump, then you ain’t black,” Biden said.
Throughout the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, Biden has cited the black vote as his key to victory. In the South Carolina primary, Biden received the endorsement of House Majority Whip James Clyburn who helped propel him to victory among South Carolina’s large population of black voters. Six out of ten black voters voted for Biden in southern states during the Democratic primaries. Biden’s tenure as the vice president to former President Barack Obama also bolsters his recognition among black voters.
During Biden’s interview with Charlamagne tha God, he said he is considering multiple black women including failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and California Sen. Kamala Harris.
“I’m not acknowledging anybody who is being considered, but I guarantee you, there are multiple black women being considered. Multiple,” Biden said.
After Biden’s interview on ‘The Breakfast Club,” he was forced to apologize for his racist remarks assuming all black people are Democrats. Biden said he regrets his “cavalier” comments about black voters.
According to Charlamagne tha God and Reid, Democrats and Biden are taking advantage of the black vote and an apology for Biden’s comment is not enough.
“Do you think there’s a risk that not just Joe Biden, but the Democratic Party in general just takes for granted that ‘black people are with us,’ so we don’t have to really give them anything else? They’re going to vote for us regardless,” Reid asked.
“I know that’s the attitude,” he responded. “That’s why I don’t even care about the words and the lip service. The apology is cool, but the best apology is actually a black agenda.”