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Why Does The Media Prop Up Failed Democratic Candidates Like Stacey Abrams?

Image CreditWikipedia/Creative Commons

Stacey Abrams, the failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate, told a University of Iowa audience she would be happy to run as a vice presidential candidate. 


Stacey Abrams, the failed Democratic gubernatorial candidate from Georgia, told a University of Iowa audience she would be happy to run as a vice presidential candidate.

Abrams ended the rumors she was asked to run with Joe Biden if he was the nominee, but, according to the Daily Iowan, Abrams said she would be happy to be the running mate of DNC’s nominee, whoever the candidate is.

“When I got the question [from reporters] I was, myself, contemplating my next steps… I’m not in the primary, but you can run as second in the general election, and I am happy to do so with the nominee. That is my answer,” Abrams said

The New York Times, Washington Post, POLITICO, and The Hill have all reported on Abrams desire to be Vice President. The Washington Post gave Abrams a glowing review, saying, despite her failed candidacy she is a rising star in the Democratic party.

Why do mainstream media outlets continually prop up failed candidates? They used similar tactics when “rising star” Beto O’Rourke announced his presidential bid this year.

In January, media outlets raved about O’Rourke’s candidacy and gawked over his Vanity Fair cover. He was being propped up by the media and polled at 8.5 percent nationally. Now, the mainstream media and voters realize the only place ‘Born to Run’ Beto is going, is home.

O’Rourke has dropped out of the presidential race and was polling at a measly 2 percent by the end. The strategy of propping up an entire campaign around media attention leads candidates to flopping hard. Could an Abrams run follow this same pattern? After all, the two “rising stars” have a lot in common.

O’Rourke and Abrams both ran for public office in 2016 as Democrats in contested races. Both ran in typically red states. Abrams ran for Governor of Georgia, while O’Rourke ran against Sen. Ted Cruz in Texas. Abrams and O’Rourke ran grassroots campaigns and garnered much out-of-state financial support and attention nationally. Ultimately, O’Rourke and Abrams both lost their races.

But perhaps the one trait O’Rourke and Abrams have most in common, is how they are more interested in running for higher office than serving in serving their own communities. Their respective campaigns both failed, and as a rule of thumb, the two should try to win a state-wide election, before running in a national election.

Yet, the mainstream media still prop up these failed candidates because the Democratic party is so desperate for fresh faces in their out-of-touch party. If Abrams vice presidential run is anything like O’Rourke’s presidential bid, the potential campaign is already doomed.