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ABC Declares War On Epstein Whistleblower, Then Attacks Trump Jr. For Naming CIA Whistleblower

On ABC’s “The View” Thursday morning, host Abby Huntsman attacked guest Donald Trump Jr. for his tweet naming the White House whistleblower at the same time ABC network executives were hunting down and punishing their own internal whistleblower.


On ABC’s “The View” Thursday morning, host Abby Huntsman attacked guest Donald Trump Jr. for his tweet naming the White House whistleblower, ironically, at the same time ABC network executives were hunting down and punishing their own internal whistleblower.

In her questioning of Trump Jr., Huntsman compared the naming of whistleblowers to the action of authoritarian regimes such as China. “The whole point of releasing a name is to intimidate someone, to threaten someone, and to scare other people from coming out. That’s something that dictators do,” she said.

It just so happens earlier that morning, ABC was busy intimidating and threatening its own former employee. Yashar Ali reported ABC alerted CBS that the former network’s previous employee, now employed at CBS, had accessed controversial footage about ABC. CBS then fired the former ABC employee.

Earlier this week, Project Veritas published a leaked video of ABC anchor Amy Robach discussing how she had the full story on alleged serial pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and his ties to President Bill Clinton three years ago, during the 2016 election. Robach is shown on camera discussing how ABC “quashed” her interview with an alleged victim and accuser of Epstein. ABC responded, not by denying the veracity of the video, but by defending its decision, claiming it was not able to corroborate the details of the reporting sufficiently for broadcast.

The story had yet to be discussed on ABC or most major networks until Trump Jr.’s appearance on “The View,” in which he pointed out this hypocrisy.

“ABC is right now chasing down a whistleblower about all of the Epstein stuff because those stories were killed. So, if we’re going to have the conversation about the outrage about whistleblowers —” he said before host Whoopi Goldberg tried to cut him off.

Trump Jr. said he does not regret releasing the name of the White House whistleblower, which had already been known for nearly a week.