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Prior To Rally With Ilhan Omar, Bernie Sanders Says He Believes In Israel’s Right To Exist

Image CreditJ-Street/Twitter/@BernieSanders

“I believe absolutely, not only in the right of Israel to exist, but the right to exist in peace and security. That’s not a question,” Sanders said.


Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., is set to hold a campaign rally next week with Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., a Congresswoman known for her anti-Semitic rhetoric. Five days before the rally, Sanders tweeted a video claiming he believes Israel has the right to exist, as does Palestine.

“I believe absolutely, not only in the right of Israel to exist, but the right to exist in peace and security. That’s not a question,” Sanders said. “But what I also believe is the Palestinian people have a right to live in peace and security as well.”

Sanders’ support for both an Israeli and Palestinian state comes directly after Omar published an op-ed in the Washington Post condemning the use of sanctions, unless of course, they are against Israel.

READ: Ilhan Omar Is Against Sanctions, Except When Israel Is The Target


While Omar claims, “sanction regimes are ill considered, incoherent and counterproductive,” she is simultaneously one of the largest advocates for the “BDS” movement, a movement which aims to eliminate the Jewish state through boycotts, divestments, and sanctions.

Sanders made this announcement at the J-Street 2019 Conference. J-Street is a non-profit liberal advocacy group, criticized by many on the pro-Israel side for being too naive about negotiating with the Palestinian Authority and terrorist organizations such as Hamas.

The location and event Sanders chose to promote his two-state solution was perfect for appeasing Jewish voters with few ties to Israel, and pandering to the antics of leftist BDS supporters, and his friend, Omar.

The announcement could serve as a reminder to Sanders supporters of his Jewish heritage prior to getting on stage with a Congresswoman many consider to be an anti-Semite.

The timing of this video showcases how careful Sanders must be when associating with Omar and other members of the so-called “The Squad.” Not only because Omar is considered an anti-Semite by conservatives, but because the Sanders campaign team is fearful their own Democratic and Independent voters believe she is as well.