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7 Provocative, Substantive Theology Podcasts You Need To Check Out

With limited time, it’s hard to know what’s worth listening to and what’s worth avoiding. This list should demystify some of that and give you some fresh ideas.


There’s no shortage of theological podcasts available, but with limited time it’s hard to know what’s worth listening to and what’s worth avoiding. Federalist writers have your theological best interests in mind, though, with some solid and thought-provoking suggestions. We come from diverse faith traditions and our varied listening habits should provide something for anyone across Christianity.

The list below is in alphabetical order to avoid too much favoritism. If you have a favorite theological podcast, share it in the comments with a review.

‘Ask Pastor John’

John Piper is Reformed Baptist and in this podcast, he is “answering tough theological and pastoral questions.” Each episode is topical about common contemporary concerns and short, often between five and 10 minutes. Primarily dealing with theological, not political concerns, this is a podcast for those with lots of “why” questions.

‘The Briefing’ with Al Mohler

Al Mohler is a Southern Baptist and this podcast is “devoted to engaging contemporary culture with Christian beliefs.” Listen in for a rundown of important and interesting news from a Christian worldview, combined with timely analysis of events that are shaping our culture. Episodes are around half an hour long and divided into segments on the website with detailed descriptions and timestamps to guide those short on time.

‘The Dividing Line’

James White is Reformed and this podcast does a deep dive into textual criticism, thorough critiques of heresies and bad theology, and contemporary issues. Episodes are on the long side, coming in around 90 minutes or longer.

‘Issues, Etc.’

Todd Wilken is part of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod and his team describes the show as “Christ-Centered, Cross-Focused Talk Radio.” This podcast covers current events, politics, history, theology, scripture studies on deep levels, information on the history of hymns and worship, and more. Guests are from a wide range of faith traditions. Episodes range from 20 minutes to more than an hour depending on the guest and topic.

‘Line of Fire’

Michael Brown is a Messianic Jew and covers current events including international politics and the intersection of faith and culture. He also extensively discusses Judaism and Christianity. Episodes are slightly less than an hour and topical.

‘Naked Bible’

Mike Heiser is a biblical scholar who tackles a wide range of topics from the occult to the paranormal to aliens. This podcast covers theology in a deep but accessible way and discusses the Bible from a historical perspective, as people at the time would have seen it, and starts from the ground up. Episodes are around an hour, give or take, and cover biblical issues. Also by Heiser is the “Peeranormal” podcast, which does a deep dive into cults and the occult.

‘The Symbolic World’

Jonathan Pageau is an Orthodox Christian and this podcast is all about symbols and symbolism in faith and culture, as well as life. This is a podcast for those interested in the patterns that hold life and faith together, seeing the deeper connections. Contemporary culture is addressed alongside theology. Episodes vary in length from 5 minutes to more than an hour.

The online theology landscape continues to grow and shift, with new shows constantly entering the fray. These are some suggestions to start listening to if you’re new to studying theology or looking for more ideas to add to your mix.