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No, Preventing Job-Seekers From Illegal Entry Is Not Comparable To The Holocaust

Image Credit DoD photo by Staff Sgt. Dan Heaton, U.S. Air Force

When liberal groups disagree with President Trump on a particular immigration situation, they have made a habit of justifying their position by comparing the plight of foreign citizens to that of victims of the Holocaust. The comparison was brought up early in Trump’s presidency, when tens of thousands of Muslims wanted to leave Syria for the United States. They were met by a president who wanted to place a ceiling on how many could enter and who rightfully demanded they be vetted comprehensively.

Then, just this week, incoming Democratic Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez equated the plight of the people in the Central American caravan to that of the Jews in the 1940s trying to escape the Holocaust and attempting to sail to America. These comparisons to the Holocaust are fundamentally wrong and a dishonor to the six million Jews who were rounded up from their homes and put on trains to be tortured and murdered.

Take another example from a few months ago, when children were placed in housing away from their parents until an immigration judge heard their case. We heard the similar refrain about concentration camp guards separating parents from children. However, none of the Jewish children forcibly seized from their mother and father at Auschwitz ever saw their parents again. They were murdered in the gas chambers.

Well, at least that’s what I heard in the early 1950s back in Cleveland, from the mouths of mothers who survived the Second World War. In contrast, many of the immigrant children from Mexico last year were quickly reunited with their parents, and during their away-time found playmates and games, a gym, wholesome food and clean bedding, and probably more personal medical care than ever before.

Even for those on the left who have made it their mission to destroy Trump, it seems vile to do it on the backs of the Six Million. The question needs to be asked: Who has poisoned the minds of so many against their fellow Americans, the president, Republicans, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement employees? How do so many Americans on the Left believe their own countrymen would act like guards at concentration camps? How can so many (including Jews on the radical left) knowingly lie and demean the Holocaust-martyred just to score political points against Trump?

Well, political leftism, like communism, often takes hold of its adherents in a fervor that ignores reality, propriety, and even decency.

Some on the political left will continue to compare Syrian expatriates to the Jews who faced the Holocaust. But Jews were targeted as Jews for actual physical extinction and concentration camps. The Syrians are not being targeted because they are Muslims, nor is there a Final Solution planned for them. In Syria, Muslims are fighting Muslims as part of a civil war. Civil wars unfortunately happen, whereas the planned destruction of an entire people, as was the plan by Germany against the Jews world-wide, was a once-in-history phenomenon.

A U.S. president must always consider national security threats when pondering immigration. Back in the 1940s, there were no Nazi agents embedded within the Jews fleeing the Holocaust, nor did any of the Jews harbor a cultural or religious ideology wishing and planning physical destruction or terrorism on the American people. There were no rabbis in the 1930s sending forth fatwas to their followers to destroy the infidel and usurp our Constitution by implanting shariah law.

One has to only look at the frightening consequences of uncontrolled Syrian immigration into Europe during the last two years to see the undeniable consequences of an immigrant mass from the Fertile Crescent containing a high level of sharia advocates and a threatening level of jihadists. Not all, of course, but an unusually high percentage warranting our need to think of our own safety and self-defense.

Indeed, the innocent Jews of Europe had nowhere to go — there was not yet a state of Israel — whereas there are 57 Islamic states, many exceedingly wealthy, that could and should be offering safe haven to their Islamic brothers and sisters. Members of the South American caravan were offered residency in Mexico and are not being driven out of Honduras. They do have a place to go.

If there is a genocide parallel today, it involves the Christians of the Middle East and North Africa who have Muslim targets. Hundreds of thousands have been killed, raped, and tortured during the last two decades, yet those championing immigration have been silent regarding the need for havens for Christians being massacred by Islamic warlords. Certainly no reference to the Holocaust has been made on their behalf.

Former President Obama moralized about “not using a religious litmus test” to cynically over-limit Muslim immigration, while severely undercutting and ignoring Christian refugees begging to be rescued from the Islamic jihad against them. Perhaps Obama’s empathy lies more with Islam than with Christianity. Perhaps the future of the Democrat Party lies more in bringing in the type of immigrant that will be more likely vote Democrat and play a more eager role in reshaping our culture away from its original paradigm and values.

When growing up, I saw men and women, survivors of the Holocaust, who had numbers branded into their arms. No one in today’s caravan is remotely in such a situation. They are not being hunted down or targeted for death and extinction. Many are part of a worldwide leftist effort — an invasion, as it were — to challenge the whole concept of national sovereignty, of borders under the control of individual governments, and to undercut and humiliate Trump. Some are Antifa-like thugs waiting to beat up people. Do we need that?

The first duty of an American president is to ensure the safety of America’s citizens and enact measures for self-defense. Given that among the caravan are unacceptable percentages of known criminals, gang members, agents of drug lords, some jihadists, and carriers of diseases and other threats to our families, the president is acting morally and courageously doing his duty. We have long needed a leader who put America’s families first over personal feel-goodism, virtue-signaling, and globalism.

Scripture does not advocate national suicide, and speaks of the blessings of protected borders. Enforcing borders, national sovereignty, property rights, rule of law, citizens’ safety, and the national interest is not remotely comparable to the Holocaust. So stop doing it.