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Women Need To Protect Their Men From Unproven, Life-Destroying Accusations


I’m a wife and mother of four boys, and what I am seeing right now angers me. The number of people—politicians, members of the media, and even people I know—who are willing to sacrifice due process for men is shocking. If we go down this road, it is hard to see how we can come back.

My husband is in the military, so I am no stranger to a culture of double standards, but until now we thought it was more isolated. In the military it is common knowledge, whether senior leaders will acknowledge it or not, that a mere accusation of sexual harassment or assault, proven or not, is enough to end a man’s career.

This is an unfortunate but expected development in a military that is entirely beholden to the forces of feminism. The effects of such an environment are terrible and destructive, but they have at least been contained. This Brett Kavanaugh-Christine Blasey Ford affair has shown me that wives and mothers of sons everywhere need to take a stand.

All indications now are that too many in our society have abandoned the idea that all people, men and women, are innocent until proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt through due process. Instead people want a guilty until proven innocent standard for men accused of sexual assault.

People think mere accusations, made without evidence and decades after the fact, should result in intrusive and embarrassing investigations simply because a woman made them. Men are to be afforded no due process or opportunity to defend themselves, whether or not they are innocent. These new standards inhibit civil society, for under them vindictive or zealous people can threaten, shame, or marginalize unpopular voices using unfounded and fabricated accusations.

Likewise, many seem to think that men and women should be judged by different standards. This is the opposite of equality before the law. Without equality before the law, how can we say the law rules and not men (or women)? As we make this turn toward “believe women” regardless of a trial or presence of proof, our society will only get worse.

Many also seem willing to abandon all statutes of limitation and questions of jurisdiction. I’m not a lawyer, but as a citizen it is easy to see how this idea is a protection, not an obstruction of justice. Certain agents enforce certain laws, so we can hold various bodies accountable in appropriate ways. Accusations made after certain limits are unreliable and often can no longer be proven. Who wants to go to trial for something that happened so long ago that a fair trial is impossible? We all benefit from statutes of limitation.

As we turn away from these protections for men, what is the logical outcome? If a vindictive woman or ideological zealot in this polarized time decides a man must be silenced, isolated, or otherwise moved out of the way, what protections will he have? What due process will protect the innocent? Should we pretend people, both women and men, do not make false accusations for a whole host of reasons?

I understand that some women have been, still are, and will be abused by men. I imagine every woman knows someone who has suffered in this way. But if we abandon the rule of law in our pursuit of some perfect justice, what will stand in the way when that pursuit comes back around? We will reap what we sow, and conviction without evidence and unequal protection under the law will be a terrible whirlwind.

Then what will happen to the legitimate claims of abuse that should be investigated with diligence? How will we keep them from being lost in the sea of false accusations? We punish ourselves as women as much as we punish our men if we go down the road of “believe all women.” I’m not the only one to make this point. The Federalist’s own David Harsanyi tweeted about it. Mollie Hemingway echoed his sentiment. Radio host Hugh Hewitt has made a similar point.

To pursue perfect justice or to wield the law against a certain group of people is to abandon the rule of law. It is to abandon our grounding in actual, fallen human nature for some ideological utopia. This happened in the French Revolution; we can expect the same outcome now.

I know that we live in perilous times. As conservatives and orthodox Christians, my husband and I are not welcome in polite society or government service. We have to conceal that we believe mothers should generally stay home with their babies, God is a he, husbands have authority in marriage and the household, and women should not do certain jobs such as be a pastor or an infantryman. We deny that women have special “reproductive rights” that allow them to murder their unborn children in the name of liberation. We think marriage is between a man and a woman.

These views make us bigots in the eyes of many, and we can accept that. True love is rarely understood by people who want to be left to their own desires and passions. If this were the only problem, we could commit ourselves to doing our duty quietly and carefully persuading those closest to us.

But things are changing now in a way I cannot accept. I cannot accept a world in which my sons will be raised under the tyranny of a lawless, vindictive society that wants to subdue and oppress men in the name of equality for women. It’s time to take a stand. Mammas, we have to fight for our men, because they are in danger. My father is, my husband is, and my sons are. Your father is, your husband is, and your sons are. This madness will consume them all.

The future isn’t female; it belongs to both your daughters and my sons. Abandoning the basic standards of the rule of law will not empower women; it will enslave us all. We must stop the insanity before it is too late.