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Podcast: Outrages And Apologies For Wage Gaps, Prom Dresses, And Kanye

Image Creditrodrigoferrari

Mary Katharine Ham and Emily Jashinsky round up this week’s latest Hollywood drama and apologies on the Federalist Radio Hour.



Emily Jashinsky, commentary writer at The Washington Examiner, and Mary Katharine Ham, senior writer at The Federalist, host the Federalist Radio Hour for a round up this week’s outrages and apologies. Including but not limited to: celebrity feuds, offensive prom dresses, Twitter mobs, and Hollywood’s wage gap.

“This is a good cultural moment where the left and social justice warriors and the whole outrage movement will run up against men [like Kanye and Chance the Rapper] who have the swagger to become international rap stars, who are not exactly the kind to apologize for the thoughts they have,” Ham said.

Listen to the their full conversation here: