A supercut of remarks from Parkland student David Hogg, who is at the forefront of a push for strict gun control after a gunman killed 17 people at his high school, highlights the extremely emotional basis of the anti-gun movement.
Hogg has said the National Rifle Association and Republican Sen. Marco Rubio “want to keep killing our children,” that control of the government must be wrested from “old-ass” parents who “don’t know how to use our democracy,” and referred to politicians who are staunch supporters of the 2nd Amendment as “sick f*ckers” who want to “murder more children.”
The Washington Free Beacon put together a supercut of these and other remarks from Hogg.
Hogg is one of a few anti-gun students who have played a front and center role in media coverage of the aftermath of the Parkland shooting, and in the march for gun control that took place this weekend.