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ADF Demands Apology, Retraction From ABC News

Alliance Defending Freedom demands that ABC retract and apologize for a story in which they labelled the organization a “hate group.”


The Alliance Defending Freedom has demanded that ABC News retract their article wrongly referring to the ADF as a “hate group,” and issue an apology.

“Americans’ trust in media is cratering, and the blatant bias and lack of professionalism that ABC attempted to pass off as news can only serve to confirm and intensify that distrust,” said ADF Director of Communications Kerri Kupec.

The ADF is a civil liberties organization that fights for religious liberty. It most recently made headlines after winning its fifth Supreme Court case—Trinity Lutheran v. Comer.

The ADF’s demand for an apology comes after ABC News wrote a news story classifying it as a “hate group,” based on a classification from the Southern Poverty Law Center. ADF called the article “defamatory” and said ABC News has committed “journalistic malpractice.”

For more on ABC’s article and ADF, see here.