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SJWs Melt Down After Feminist YouTuber Says Scientifically Correct Thing About The Sexes

Social justice warriors flipped out at Laci Green after she said the terms ‘male’ and ‘female’ refer to biological sexes. 


Social justice warriors flipped out at feminist YouTuber Laci Green on Saturday after she said the terms “male” and “female” refer to biological sexes.

Last week, Teen Vogue published a visually explicit and kinda gross article about a certain sex act, which included diagrams of the female and male reproductive anatomy. The diagrams described female anatomy as the anatomy of a “non-prostate owner,” and described male anatomy as that which belongs to a “prostate owner” so as to avoid using the terms “male” and “female.”

But Green pointed out that these descriptions are insane, as the word female literally describes someone who was born with a female reproductive system.

These correct statements about human biology were apparently too triggering for social justice warriors to handle, because they raked her over the coals.

Someone tried to tell Green she’s wrong, saying that a post-operative “trans woman” — that is, a man who undergoes surgery to appear female — runs the risk of developing prostate cancer. But this weird statement only proves Green’s point that those who are biologically male can’t magically become female, even if they like to call themselves that or have their bodies rearranged with plastic surgery.

Another asked Green where she got her information about the sexes and their respective biology, to which she responded: “an elementary level biology book.”

Some resorted to calling her a “TERF,” or Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist.

To be clear, Green buys into the whole “gender is a social construct and is not the same as one’s  biological sex” thing (which this writer thinks is hogwash), and made that very clear in her responses to critics on Saturday.

But that’s apparently not enough for progressives, who say everyone must ignore physical and biological realities in order to appease those pushing the transgender agenda.

This isn’t’ the first time Green has been blackballed by liberals for saying things they don’t agree with. Last week Green was added to a list of commonly blocked Twitter accounts that sensitive liberal use to purge their feeds of thoughts that may contradict their own. It was also revealed that she was dating an anti-PC YouTuber, Chris Ray Gun, for which many have criticized her.