On Tuesday, Planned Parenthood protestors gathered outside the nation’s capitol dressed as handmaidens from the Hulu series “The Handmaid’s Tale,” based on a dystopian novel of the same name by Margaret Atwood.
If passed as-is, the bill would defund the nation’s largest abortion provider for one year, about which Planned Parenthood is not happy . Last year, the federal government gave the abortion giant $528 million, making taxpayers their largest source of funding. So they’ve sent protestors dressed as handmaidens — who in the show are forced to bear children for oppressive leaders who govern the fictional Republic of Gilead — to send a message.
Nearly all U.S. babies aborted are conceived during consensual sex, making the comparison to fertility slavery ludicrous, especially given that the bill doesn’t restrict abortion one iota, but merely provide that taxpayers won’t pay for it. That’s a proposition majorities of voters across political lines support.
Not only is the reasoning behind the costumes totally absurd, they don’t even look convincing.
Watch this video of the protestors walking in a single-file line. Notice how the breeze is blowing around the corners of their red Snuggies, exposing bare legs and tennis shoes.
And can we please talk about those head coverings? It looks like they’re wearing white pieces of paper folded in half. You can do better than that, ladies!
Protestors did the same thing in Ohio a few weeks ago, and it looked like they stole toilet seat covers and taped them to their heads.

Here’s what the costumes are SUPPOSED to look like.
Whoever was in charge of making and coordinating these costumes should be fired.