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Radio: Summer Camping, Air Conditioning, And ‘Bachelor In Paradise’ Scandal

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Mary Katharine Ham and Emily Miller discuss the annual summer think pieces against A/C, as well as ABC’s suspension of “Bachelor in Paradise.”


On this episode of the Federalist Radio Hour, senior writer Mary Katharine Ham and journalist Emily Miller sit down in studio to escape the summer heat. They discuss the war against air conditioning, summer camping trips, and the recently reported scandals taking place on this season of “Bachelor in Paradise.”

Why would someone choose to live without air conditioning? “When you don’t have A/C, you live your life differently and it makes communities look different,” Ham said. “When you’re forced outside, you are forced into your community.”

Production of the current season of ABC’s “Bachelor in Paradise” was suspended after reports of scandal among the contestants. “Perhaps this was a problem waiting to happen,” Ham said.

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