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Podcast: How To Teach Boys Chivalry And Communicate With Men

Join Joy Pullmann as she discusses Heather Haupt’s book, ‘Knights-in-Training: Ten Principles for Raising Honorable, Courageous, and Compassionate Boys.’


Today on the Federalist Radio Hour, join Joy Pullmann as she talks with Heather Haupt about Heather’s book, “Knights-in-Training: Ten Principles for Raising Honorable, Courageous, and Compassionate Boys.” A mother of three boys and a girl, Haupt challenges parents to raise their boys into men by talking about chivalry, justice, and God.

“I wanted to capitalize on everything that made [my boys] so ferociously, amazingly them, and not squash who they were, and yet raise them up to be confident, kind, courageous men.”

Haupt’s book outlines ten principles for parents to help teach their boys to become “knights-in-training.”

“I hit the jackpot when I tapped into the whole idea of chivalry six year ago, and that totally transformed the way we communicate in our family. When we first read about knights, my boys were stoked. So they’re doing sword fights all around me and I thought, ‘we’re doing chivalry. They’re going to know how to treat a woman right.’ So I start researching, and that’s when I was blown away. Chivalry is so much more than how a man treats a woman.”

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