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How To Keep The Hackers Out And Protect Your Information Online

Eric Geller talks DNC leaks, professional hackers, and behind-the-scenes intelligence gathering on today’s Federalist Radio Hour.


On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Politico cyber security reporter Eric Geller talks intelligence gathering, encryption, DNC leaks, and what professional hackers look like in real life, as opposed to Hollywood’s depiction.

“This is an issue that doesn’t t just affect the State Department or Target. It really affects all of us, and yet none of us are thinking about it,” he said. “It’s becoming something that you don’t have to be a techie to understand the significance of.”

Geller shares some important tactics and apps that individuals can use to protect their personal information. “Think about the possibility that the worst possible person to be reading something is reading it right now, and imagine how that would be depending on the piece of information.”

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