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David Frum On Autocracy, Healthcare, And Predicting President Trump

Image CreditGage Skidmore

Atlantic Senior Editor David Frum joins the Federalist Radio Hour how we can mentally prepare for correct political decision making against President Trump.


David Frum, senior editor at The Atlantic, joins Federalist Radio to discuss issues stirring inside the White House, House Republicans’ healthcare plan, and how Donald Trump could build an autocracy in America.

Frum makes the case that we know enough about Donald Trump to know what type of President he will be. “There are positive things that could happen in the next four years. There are some bad things that could happen. The way you maximize the positive and overt the negative is by acting now,” he said.

Frum’s latest Atlantic cover story explores the preconditions for what Trump could do as president and how autocracy would work in a fully developed country. “There are a lot of stops on the ‘train of bad’ before you get to ‘Hitler station,’ and I tried to think, what if we go the Viktor Orban route,” he said.

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