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Watch UC Berkeley Students Start Fires, Smash ATMs To Protest Pro-Trump Speaker

Students at UC Berkeley were not happy that Milo Yiannopolous was scheduled to speak at their campus, so they smashed ATM machines and started fires.


Students at the University of California-Berkeley were not happy that Donald Trump supporter Milo Yiannopolous was scheduled to speak at their campus, so they smashed ATM machines and started fires.

According to UC-Berkeley’s Daily Californian, students gathered to protest near the building Yiannopolous was to speak at. Some chanted “shut it down” and carried signs.

These protests took an ugly turn, which prompted the campus to cancel the event. Police later escorted Yiannopolous off campus to ensure his safety. Campus officials reportedly told students to clear the area as the protest became a riot and police allegedly fired rubber bullets and tear gas at unruly students, according to eyewitnesses.

One protestor maced a female Trump supporter just after she concluded an interview with a local TV reporter.

Protestors then marched to downtown Berkeley, where they proceeded to vandalize local businesses.

Some graffitied expletives and communist and anarchist imagery.

Many of the rioters then returned back to campus, where police officers in riot gear awaited their return.

This isn’t the first time students at UC-Berkeley have acted completely insane. Last fall, protestors who were objecting to racism barred white students from a campus entrance.