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Nick Cannon Blasts Planned Parenthood As ‘Modern Day Eugenics’

planned parenthood
Image CreditScreengrab/YouTube

Abortion is ‘modern day eugenics . . . It’s population control.’


Rapper and former “America’s Got Talent” emcee Nick Cannon doubled down on his comments about Planned Parenthood, calling its abortion work “modern-day eugenics” again on Friday.

In the video, Cannon is navigating through Los Angeles International Airport while answering questions from the SplashNewsOnline videographer about the nation’s largest abortion provider.

After answering questions about his baby on the way with former girlfriend Brittany Bell, Cannon was asked to clarify a comment he made about Planned Parenthood being a “real genocide” during an interview with the New York City radio show “The Breakfast Club” two weeks ago.

“Yeah, (Planned Parenthood is) modern-day eugenics,” Cannon says.

“Can’t elaborate anymore?” the videographer asks. “It’s an important topic.”

“Yeah,” Cannon responds. “It’s population control.”

As The Federalist has reported, Cannon is right about the abortion provider’s dark history with eugenics.

Planned Parenthood’s founder Margaret Sanger, was a racist and a eugenicist who wanted to stop ‘biologically unfit’ persons from having children. She was a big hit when speaking to a woman’s chapter of the Klu Klux Klan, and confessed in a letter that she wanted to ‘exterminate the Negro population.;

‘We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population and the minister is the man who can straighten out the idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members,’ Sanger wrote in a letter dated from 1939. In 1934, Sanger proposed a federal law that would legislate who could have children.

Planned Parenthood kills a disproportionate number of black babies — every day, 850 black babies are aborted in its clinics. African-Americans account for 13 percent of the U.S. population, yet account for a staggering 37 percent of all abortions.

h/t Live Action News.