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Hemingway: Hillary Clinton’s Supreme Court Comments Are Disturbing

‘We’re a nation of laws, not men. . . We have laws, and we apply them universally and equally for all people.’


Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway joined Fox News’ “On the Record” Thursday night to discuss the Supreme Court’s future.

When Hillary Clinton says she opposes the Citizens United ruling it’s very much in her own interest, Hemingway said, since that case, which allows individuals to discuss and fund politics publicly, centered around a documentary film that was critical of Clinton.

“When she says the purpose of the court is to go against wealthy people, that is a deeply troubling thing,” she said. “And even more so since the big concern with Hillary Clinton’s political career is that she has not been above the law.”

“We’re a nation of laws, not men,” Hemingway said. “Whether you’re wealthy or poor, powerful or powerless, white, black, male, female — that is not the thing we use to decide whether you’re on the right side of the law or not. We have laws, and we apply them universally and equally for all people.”