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12 Reasons Donald Trump Is A Bluth From ‘Arrested Development’

Image CreditPopsugar

Remember ‘Arrested Development’? Well, the Bluth family is back, except in real life, embodied in Donald Trump. Behold the evidence.


Remember “Arrested Development”? Well, the Bluth family is back, except in real life, embodied in Donald Trump and company. Behold the evidence.

1. They Like to Eavesdrop

trumpphone phone

2. They Can’t Quite Grasp Religion



3. They Lack Respect for Women


4. They Have Few Qualms About Their Proclivities

5. They Had Questionable Real Estate Dealings with Middle Eastern Tyrants


6. They Want a Wall

trumpwall wall

7. They Have an Interest in Scott Baio

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8. They Have a Side Business Selling Food

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9. They Have Dubious Charities

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10. They Do Bad Chicken Impressions

11. They Have a Thing for Doves

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12. They Have Some Creepy Family Relationships

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